Services Offered
I exclusively practice family law, and offer the following services:
Child Support
Funds paid by one parent to another to support any children of the marriage or the relationship. The amount to be paid varies based upon the parties’ income levels, the number of children and parenting arrangements between the parties. The Federal Child Support Guidelines outline the factors that an adjudicator will consider when making a decision around child support. Child support is typically paid monthly and reviewed annually. It is important to note that the support is the right of the child, not either parent.
Partner /
Spousal Support
Money paid to a former spouse or former Adult Interdependent Partner upon the relationship breakdown. The point of spousal support is to ensure that one party is not unduly prejudiced by the relationship or the relationship breakdown. Spousal support can arise on a compensatory basis, non-compensatory basis or based upon agreement between the parties.
Parenting refers to the time that the child spends with each parent and the decision-making authority that parents have over their children. The most crucial consideration in determining parenting time is the best interest of the children. Many factors are taken into consideration in determining what constitutes the best interest of the child in a particular circumstance.
Property and Debt Division
Since the implementation of the Family Property Act in January 2020, a presumption of equitable distribution of family property on separation exists for both married couples, and couples who have been involved in a relationship of interdependence for 3 years (what people commonly understand to be “Common-Law”). Family property constitutes property that either party acquired during the relationship that is not exempt. Some typical categories of exemptions are inheritances, certain types of insurance settlement funds and property that the parties agree to be exempt via a valid cohabitation, prenuptial or separation agreement.
Pension Division
Pensions can be a major asset in the division of family property. If you are concerned about the implications that separation may have for your pension plan, please do not hesitate to contact Lowe Family Law.
Separation, Cohabitation and Prenuptial Agreements
Parties that are contemplating cohabitation, marriage, or separation can enter into agreements that address: parenting; property division; spousal support; and child support.
Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation
Negotiations are an important part of family law, and can occur at any stage in the process. In negotiations, I help clients determine and achieve their underlying interests
Mediation is a structured negotiation involving a mediator. Mediation can involve lawyers (assisted mediation) or just the parties and the mediator (unassisted mediation). The mediator is a neutral party that facilitates discussion. When parties enter into a mediation, the parties will typically agree that the contents of the mediation are without prejudice, meaning that what is discussed in the mediation cannot be used against either party in court or arbitration. In mediation, I will help you negotiate favourable resolutions to your family law issues.
Like mediation, arbitration can involve lawyers (assisted arbitration) or just the parties and the arbitrator (unassisted arbitration). In an arbitration, parties bind themselves to the decision of a third party adjudicator (the arbitrator). The parties gather evidence to prepare and present their respective arguments to the arbitrator. While arbitration can be very similar to court, one key difference is that the contents of arbitration is typically private, while matters before the court are public record. Arbitration allows the parties more flexibility in tailoring the adjudication process to fit their needs. In arbitration I will ensure that your interests are fully represented.
Litigation involves taking your claim against the other party to court to have a judge render a decision. Court can be expensive, time consuming and entrench the parties in their positions; however, sometimes litigation is necessary to resolve a family law matter. I am prepared to passionately represent you in your family law matter before the court.